for you all who know all :)
Published on March 6, 2006 By Charissa Kaschel In Religion
This is in response to the blog posted that only Jews could go to heaven. It is my understanding that Jews believe that the only way to get into heaven is to rectify their sins by the sacrificing of pure animals as is the Old Testament ritual. If this is the case, how in the world are the jews of today planning on getting into heaven. There isn't any sacrificing of lambs going on these days. And if Jesus was a heretic and therefore he wasn't the ultimate sacrifice...doesn't that mean the jews are sadly out of luck. And if that is the case.. then according to the jews.. noone is going to heaven? So... no sacrifice.. .no heaven.. how does that work??? what happened to God's grace and love for the sinners.. Doesn't that mean that believing in God at al lthen is pointless.

What do you think?

on Mar 06, 2006
The post was facetious.
on Mar 06, 2006
First, I'd like to point out that the "?" (also referred to as a question mark) is your friend. He makes sentences that would normally be nonsensical statements into questions. Learn to love him.

Secondly, I'd like to point out the fact that the article in question (by Moderateman, I believe) was farce, and therefore was not supposed to be taken literally. I would suggest reading into the article and what the writer is trying to point out (In this case, the overzealous you're-all-going-to-hell-and-I-don't-care Christian)

As I am not a devotee of the Jewish faith, I can not explain their views on the afterlife and what is required to attain it: I can safely say that condemning the Jewish for their beliefs is not only deliberately offensive, but also close-minded and pig-headed.

Since you asked for an opinion, you got it. Cheers. Let's see how long this stays up.

on Mar 06, 2006

perhaps those jews who also practice santeria still have a shot?

on Mar 06, 2006
As to whether or not the article was a farce... I don't know. I'll take your word for it. But this is a question that is tossed around in many christian circles. It was not meant to be condemning in any way. Merely something that I've heard talked about often enough I thought I'd blog about it. IF you don't like that, don't read my blog. I find that reading into articles can be very damaging because offense can be taken when offense is not meant. THerefore I dont' read into articles. I merely mentioned the blog as part of the reason I decided to post this blog... I am not condemning the jews merely trying to understand trhe logic behind their faith as I would with any other religion.
on Mar 06, 2006
Article was a farce as Tex said.

I be will be right back as soon as I sacrifice a virgin Goat, to answer.
on Mar 06, 2006

Jews believe that the only way to get into heaven is to rectify their sins by the sacrificing of pure animals as is the Old Testament ritual.

Not really...

As others have said, the article was a farce.

But you do raise a interesting point.

Let me remind you first of all, that all of the laws of Judaism are for Jews only. Non-Jews can go to heaven (or the afterlife or the next world, call it what you will) if they are good. Jews are required to follow Jewish law AS WELL as being good. Jews do not believe that everyone must follow the laws of the Bible, only Jews must,

Animal sacrifices have been a part of pre-rabbinic Judaism. Since the temple has been destroyed (again), that era of Judaism is over. Since then the rabbis have studied the Torah a bit and went through the oral traditions and wrote them down and "discovered" that animal sacrifices are not actually needed. Some say they are, but pretty much everyone agrees that they are certainly not a part of a Judaism without the temple. (Perhaps this is why G-d allowed the Muslims to build a mosque there, I don't know.)

Also note that Judaism rejects the concept of an original sin, which means that Jews do not believe that they are on earth to make up for their sins. According to the Jewish faith, human beings start out sin-free and can remain so, theoretically. Thus the battle for rectifying sins is a lot less important than it is in Christianity. For Jews it's really just about following divine law.
on Mar 06, 2006
Well, if it were possible to be sin-free how would you remain so? Perhaps you can explain to me what the Divine Law is.

Just to clarify.... I am not trying to be argumentative or cause problems. I merely stated a question that I wondered about... I have no opinion one way the other and since I am firmly set in my beliefs... I'm not looking to persuade anyone one way or the other .I am looking to understand what Jews believe. So i'm not trying to personally attack anyone and I would genuinely like to learn. So don't take what I said personally... hence why I phrased it in a question.

As for your article being a farce... good thing you clarrified it now... since otherwise unless I knew you well which I don't... I would have had no clue and I dont' thinK I'm the only one who might have questioned it but maybe I was and I'm ok with that
on Mar 06, 2006
#7 by Charissa Kaschel
Monday, March 06, 2006

As for your article being a farce... good thing you clarrified it now... since otherwise unless I knew you well which I don't... I would have had no clue and I dont' thinK I'm the only one who might have questioned it but maybe I was and I'm ok with that

if yopu haad read a little further into the comments section, you would have seen the usual disclaimer saying "i do not really think this way"

seeking knowledge is a a good thing, keep seeking till the end of your life, the more you seek the less you will find out you know, the more you will seek, kind of self perpetuating.
on Mar 07, 2006
The Jews today are being saved the same as they were back then. It wasn't the sacrifices that saved them, it was faith in God and his promises. The sacrifices were the outward show. Same today. Our works don't save us. It's our faith in God. They were saved looking forward to the cross just as we are looking back. The OT sacrifices were to point to the ultimate one that was to come. Jesus fulfilled that. He was the lamb of God. Nothing we do saves us. It's not about us...but all about Him. Jesus said "it was finished." What was finished? The act of redemption. We cannot save ourselves. All we can do is point to one that can. There are many Jews that believe in Jesus. Have you ever heard of Jews for Jesus?

I do believe tho the temple will be rebuilt and the sacrifices will resume. There is talk and action going on now to get that back in effect. The problem is the Muslims are kinda sitting on the holy spot with their big Mosque. But that will be rectified. I'm not sure how but somehow either that is coming down or the temple will be built next door to it. I would not discount an earthquake of some kind either. Whatever it takes. This is all prophecy and I believe it to be one that will be fulfilled like the other promises have been fulfilled. Only it will be the anti-christ sitting in that temple. Not God or the true Messiah that the Jews are expecting.
on Mar 07, 2006
thank you KFC finally a response that is insightful and makes sense!