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Life through rose colored glasses
Angels and Demons
Do they really exsist?
Published on January 30, 2006 By
Charissa Kaschel
So I'm in the process of having a spiritual debate with someone about whether or not angels and demons exsist and if they do, how do they manifest themselves. Some of the key questions are:
1. Do angels and demons exsist?
2. if they do, how?
3. Can we see them?
4. How do they survive?
5. Can you get rid of them ( more pertaining to demons)
6. Where do they come from?
All religious views are welcome as imput. While I know where I stand and what I believe it is always interesting to know all sides of beliefs when entering into a spiritual debate with someone. Thanks
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St. Patrick's Day
on Jan 30, 2006
1. Yes.
2. Magic.
3. Sometimes.
4. Magic.
5. Yes.
6. Nobody knows.
on Jan 30, 2006
In response to the angle question, here is something that happened to me...
One winter, I couldn't get my car out of the parallel parking spot I was in because of ice. I was late for a job interview and no one was one the street.
I said, "God, I really need an angel to help me out right now," thinking I was just talking to myself.
Next thing I knew, some fella was knocking on my window and asked if I needed help with my car.
I was stunned, "uuuhhh, yeah" but the whole time I was thinking, where did this guy come from?
Coincidence or not, that's some interesting timing.
Charissa Kaschel
on Jan 30, 2006
Wow momijiki that's neat. It's always amazing when it happens. Stutefish.... thanks for your wordy response ; )
Dr Guy
on Jan 31, 2006
I think to deny them (if you are a christian) is fool hardy as it is part of the teachings. Now as to what they do, that is a matter open to a great interpretation. Like Momijiki, they can take many forms (both angels and demons). But I think that since they are divine in nature, they cannot be killed, merely sent back to their 'home base' (i.e. not of this world).
on Feb 01, 2006
I believe in Angels. I had 3 Angels visit me at the age of 10. I use to get very sick every Christmas as a child. This one Christmas in particular, I was very ill. I remeber my mother worried with grief, and trying to do everything in her power to make me well.
I became feverish and couldn't keep any food or water on my stomach. I began losing weight, and all of my hair began to fall out.
My mother, thinking I was ridden with the flu, because of the symptoms, didn't take take me to the doctors right away.
I became more distraught ,and weak. She took me and laid me out on the sofa in the parlour so I would be more comfortable, and to spend time with the rest of the family. That evening while all of the family members were in the room watching television, I excitedly spoke, "Look at them, do you see them"? "aren't they pretty"? My mother looks over at me and asked me, "Who are you talking about"? I then started pointing upward in the air. "Look, they are right there"! "Don't you see them". "There are three of them flying aroud the room"!
I will never forget what I saw, there were three angles flitzing and fluttering about, above my head. They were so bright, and I felt a sense of security around me. My mother became scared, and rushed me to the hospital. I ended up being admitted, and was very dehydrated. AsI laid in the hospital bed,I could hear my mother outside of my hospital room telling the hospital clergy what I saw.
He started to pray over me, and my mother began to weep. I was so sick they thought I was going to die. The doctors couldn't find any diagnosis to what was wrong with me, and it baffled them. After everyone left my room for the evening, I remember the door in my room slighly closed. A bright light came into my room, and appeared at the bottom of my bed. I woke up the very next day, feeling better, no signs of illness, and with a healthy appetite. The doctors couldn't believe it! Neither could my mother. I was realeased, and I was sent home. I have never been sick since! My mother and I often talk about that one Christmas in particular, and reminisce. I believe I have Angels watching over me, and that they do exist. I truly seen Angels, and they walk among us.
on Feb 01, 2006
1. Do angels and demons exsist? Yes
2. if they do, how? The same way you exist, only on a different dimension.
3. Can we see them? When they make themselves visible.
4. How do they survive? I don't know.
5. Can you get rid of them ( more pertaining to demons). Yes.
6. Where do they come from? From God's or Satan's presents.
on Feb 01, 2006
A Stranger came to me, hungry ,cold and lost, His Ripped and tattered clothing, white with morning frost.
I don`t mean no harm, I heard the stranger say, Can you spare a little change, I have no where to stay.
His eyes were deep and dreary with his glasses on his nose, nervous and ashamed as he tried to fix his clothes.
He started to tell his story, why he was living on the street, I couldn`t help but notice there were no shoes upon his feet.
As tears streamed down his cheek, he spoke about his life, and of all of his misfortune, and how he lost his wife. I stroked my hand across his face, to wipe away his tears, It has changed my life forever, it`s been over twenty years.
I don`t mean to trouble you , with my story that I`ve told, can you spare a cup of coffee, to warm up from the cold?
I felt a bit of pity, as the stranger displayed his charm, with over whelmed compassion, I took him by the arm.
The stranger limped on slowly ,keeping with my pace, humble and so gracious, as it showed upon his face.
We walked around the corner, the stranger took a seat, His body too weak and frail, from lack of food to eat.
The stranger hung his head as he reached inside his pocket, to show his appreciation, pulled out an old gold locket.
The stranger popped the locket to open the inside, He spoke of the locket`s history with dignity and pride.
Speaking of the bible, a passage that of psalm, With his trembling hand towards me, he placed it in my palm.
He thanked me for my kindness, and said he must be moving on. I looked up from the locket, to find the stranger gone.
It`s like he disappeared, I didn`t believe my eyes, for he was not a stranger, but an angel in disguise.
Carna Morton
Charissa Kaschel
on Feb 01, 2006
hmm... very interesting responses so far. All very similar... those of you who feel the desire to expound... please do.
Remember I"m trying to have a debate here and so the more info I get on your personal opinion which I promise not to attack. the better
Thank you so much for all so far.
Texas Wahine
on Feb 02, 2006
I can't remember the Scriptures, but my understanding of the Bible is that angels are not pleasant to look at in their true form. The whole beautiful, winged human idea of angels that we have is flawed.
I'll try to see if I can find some Scripture to back that up.
on Feb 19, 2006
That was really a good book by Dan Brown.
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