away from my boy
Published on January 27, 2006 By Charissa Kaschel In Home & Family
today is my first full day away from my son since he was born. I know he is well taken care of, I left plenty of bottles and instructions. But I can't help but feel a little blue without him since I can't just walk into the next room and see him. Oh man, if I'm sad now, I can't imagine what it will be like when he goes to school !!!!!! ahh at least i have a few years before I have to think about that.
on Jan 27, 2006
Yes,  it does hurt.  I know what you mean!  take care.  He will be back  but  all too soon, he will be out on his own.  Our time seems so short with them!  Take care.
on Jan 27, 2006
He'll do fine.