so tonight I met brandon's familiy. THey were great. I felt right at home, they loved nicholas, and were very kind to me. The whole evening was a lot of fun. So then we packed up and he took me back to my car and we were sitting waiting for my car to warm up. But I've never felt like I didn't exsist so much as I did while I was sitting there. Sure he was holding my hand, but he just acted as if he didn't want me there, he was staring off in space and just totally not engaged. So I got in ...
so friday night I went on my first date ever. it was fabulous! we went to dinner, we went indoor putt putt golfing and then we went and got slurpees! He was a perfect gentleman, he opened all the doors and when he dropped me off he walked me to the door ( he even asked if he could). he's polite.charming. fabulous AND he laughs at my jokes!!!!! let me tell you that's rare ahahahah it was great... then he asked if we could go out again.. yippppeeee I can't wait. A very excited ...
so I'm going on my first real date ever on friday. But he asked what I wanted to do and I'm not sure. I know I don't want to go see a movie. I"m suggesting dinner and bowling because those are both pretty low key and allow for converstation. However I am taking suggestions. I'm nervous! I've never had a real date and iI am leaving my son with grandma so yea just thought I"d share and any good dating tips would be helpful
So my best friend of 6 years and I have finally parted ways I think. She moved to ireland and is doing missions work. I live here in the states and am raising a son full time. She was home to visit when I had my baby, infact she came back specifically for that. She was home for a month, and I saw her maybe 4 times at the most. Now, it might just be me, but if my best friend were to have a baby I"d be there all the time and doing whatever I could for her. But it seemed like, because my li...
Today is my son's father's birthday. Someone I haven't spoken to in almost a year. As I watched my son play today I couldn't help but feel a tinge of sadness. Not because I hadn't spoken to him or because he'd never seen our son. But because I know what it's like to not know a biological parent and how inadequate and unwanted it made me feel as a kid. Thankfully my son will never need to feel that way because he is loved beyond measure, as I was. But, there is still a loss there. While I am W...
Ever see the movie HOW TO LOOSE A GUY IN 10 DAYS????? Well I think I"m going to write my own, and I"m going to call it HOW TO CATCH ALL THE LOSERS IN 10 DAYS!!!! seriously, in the last 10 days, and I don't mean to complain because I know every girl wants to find "that guy." BUT I MEAN COME ON!!!!! In the last 10 days I have had 3 clingy, obsessive men all trying to date me, none of whom I have anything in common with, I am not attracted to, AND they all claimed within the first 24 hours th...
What do you do when someone gets the wrong impression of you? When they are more into you than you are to them? How do you let them down without hurting them when you never said you were interested in the first place? The guy even came to my church to see me! But there are several things about him that I"m not interestted in, he's too clingy, very needy and frankly, I"m just not interested. What do I do?
was thinking today about the loves in my life. Where did they all go? How did I end up so alone with noone to turn to? My favorite movie is You've Got Mail, and today I was thinking about why. What is it about the love between Joe and Meg that makes me wish it was mine? Thus far in my 22 years, I"ve only known one true love. And somehow, whether it be because of me or him, he has left me. I know, they say young love can be strong but not steadfast. But I think I would disagree. Although he...
I am in the process of saying goodbye to those I have worked ed with for the past 2 months and preparing to move home. I never realized how hard it was to say goodbye because I never had real friendships that I wanted to work at to keep. In my life, all my relationships that I have invested in have been people that needed my help. Where I could give all I had to ignore what was going on in my life. Those who wanted to have a real relationship with me which involved both give and take I wa...
I was thinking today about the loves in my life. Where did they all go? How did I end up so alone with noone to turn to? My favorite movie is You've Got Mail, and today I was thinking about why. What is it about the love between Joe and Meg that makes me wish it was mine? Thus far in my 21 years, I"ve only known one true love. And somehow, whether it be because of me or him, he has left me. I know, they say young love can be strong but not steadfast. But I think I would disagree. A...